The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities, Inc. (AAAASF) is a leading American organization that certifies outpatient surgical clinics. Established in 1980, the AAAASF has committed itself to patient safety by setting up rigorous accreditation programs for its member clinics.

The Association has formulated a certification program for standardizing and upgrading quality of care and safety at ambulatory facilities.

The Association runs American Association for Accreditation for Ambulatory Surgery Facilities International, (AAAASFI) for inspection and certification of dental clinics and other outpatient facilities around the globe which supersede acceptable standards of patient care.

All AAAASF accredited dental clinics should have at least one oral and maxillofacial surgeon certified by the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (ABOMS).

Advantages of choosing AAAASF-approved Clinic

  • Quality: Considered the “Gold Standard” for quality patient care by doctors, patients, health agencies, and other stakeholders, AAAASF appraises dental and other ambulatory surgery facilities on stringent parameters for general ambience, safety, operating rooms, norms and procedures, recuperation center ambience, blood, pharmacy, maintenance of records and patient history, quality appraisals, and clinic staff, among others. This assures patients of superior care.
  • Safety: Some of the rigorous safety requirements that every AAAASR accredited center must meet are:
    • Compliance with all the laws and regulations pertaining to licensing, sanitation, construction, fire safety, etc. for providing a secure environment to both patients and employees of the facility
    • Observance of all rules and regulations spelt by/under Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Americans with Disabilities Act, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other legislations and acts impacting their working
    • Use of state-of-the-art equipment and monitoring devices for treating patients

Our network dental clinic in Costa Rica was the first to be accredited by the AAAASF in the country in 2009. Boasting the latest dental instrumentation and an English-speaking staff, the clinic has helped several dental tourists refurbish their smiles.